Dr. Gray's Straight Talk

Honest and blunt healthcare discussion and advice.

Posts Tagged ‘chiropractor’

Do You Love Going To Your Doctor?

Posted by Dr. Gray on Thursday, April 16, 2015

Gray Testimonial LogoHave you ever uttered the phrase, “I can’t wait to go see my doctor?” Actually, this phrase could be used two different ways. On one hand, you could be stating that you’re in so much pain that you can’t put off getting treatment any longer. However, the context I’m referring to is that in which you are looking forward to and excited about going to your appointment. I would guess that most people have rarely, if ever, felt so strongly and happy about their health care that they were excited for upcoming treatment visits.

There is at least one exception to this mindset… regular chiropractic patients. Chiropractic care consistently scores off-the-charts in patient satisfaction. When people finally try chiropractic care, learn how and why it works, and experience the health improvements it offers, there is a profound change in how they think about their health and their health care. What stimulated this question, you ask? This fantastic testimonial we received:

“Never before in my life have I ever looked forward to going to the doctor… until now. I definitely feel better after my visits, everything is in place, and I am relaxed. I am extremely pleased with the care I have received in your office. Everyone is warm and caring and I feel very ‘at home!’ I would absolutely recommend your office to anyone and everyone seeking chiropractic services. I can’t thank my friend enough for referring me to your office. Dr. Gray and his staff should all have awards for the wonderful work they do. I can’t say enough good things about my experience here! Thank you, thank you, thank you from one very satisfied and grateful customer!” – Minda

Now, THAT is awesome! I’m so humbled when we get testimonials like this. Unfortunately, only about 10% of the population participates in chiropractic health care. Think of how many more people could be helped if only someone would refer them to a good chiropractor. Which one are you? If you’re not a chiropractic patient, it’s time. If you are a chiropractic patient, tell someone else and encourage them to try it out. Most who aren’t chiropractic patients are either afraid or uninformed about how safe and effective it is. Let’s get the word out, and spread the benefits of chiropractic care. (for a few other cool benefits, click here)

See you soon! – Dr. Gray

Posted in General Chiropractic, General Health, Testimonials | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Free Mavericks Tickets!!!

Posted by Dr. Gray on Monday, November 10, 2014

Mavs Tix BannerIt’s that time of year again, boys and girls! It’s hockey season!!!

As we posted earlier, Gray Chiropractic will be the official chiropractic office for the Missouri Mavericks again this year. We are honored and blessed to be an integral part of their health care regimen. These guys know what chiropractic does for them, both in injury recovery and for performance optimization. As sports nuts, we’re just happy to be involved; but, it’s so much more rewarding when we see guys on the ice and know that we’re a part of the team.

So, what’s all this about Free Mavericks tickets??? We’ll be giving away a pair of tickets to most home games this year. To be entered in the drawing for a pair of tickets, we’ll have a few different contests throughout the season.

Your first chance at scoring a pair of tickets to an upcoming Mavericks home game starts now:

  1. Write a testimonial detailing your experience at Gray Chiropractic and how we’ve been able to help.
  2. Make sure you include your full name in your testimonial… all personal information will be kept private and confidential.
  3. Submit it to us at the office, by fax (816) 795-8141, or by email.
  4. Winners will be notified by phone, email, or in the office.

This method of being entered to win will continue throughout the entire season. There will be other contests soon with limited time frames for entry, but this isn’t one of them. We love your testimonials, so keep ’em coming!

– Dr. Gray

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Why Didn’t I Try This Sooner? – Testimonial

Posted by Dr. Gray on Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Gray Testimonial LogoMan, I love what I do! Check this out:

Dear Dr. Gray,

     My dad had never been to a chiropractor before. After retiring from decades as a heavy equipment operator, his back pain was getting so bad that he moved in with my husband and I. After seeing the relief my husband (who had previously refused to go to a chiropractor) was getting, we were able to talk him in to coming to meet you. After beginning treatment with you, he began to have relief for the first time in years. He swore from that point on that he would not miss an appointment with you. He knew he was getting relief from the pain he had suffered with for so long, and he knew where that relief was coming from. So you see, I’m so grateful to have had a doctor that could help out… They both really loved you, Dr. Gray.

Thanks again, – name withheld for privacy

How can you not be excited to go to work when you get things like this? I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to help so many people. I absolutely love getting testimonials like this.

You want to hear the best part? I received the above unsolicited testimonial a few years after the men she was referencing had passed. There are so many times we go through the motions of our daily lives without fanfare. Without accolades. Without thanks. Without reward. Often, we place too much focus on how our actions are benefiting ourselves… when our true focus should be on how our actions are benefiting others. There is no better reward than finding out years later how you were a positive influence on someone else without even knowing.

Influence can go both ways… positive or negative. Treat every moment, every day, every interaction as if it were the most important thing you can do. You never know who you’re influencing, and you darn sure don’t want to miss an opportunity to make the right impression!

Dr. Gray

Posted in General Back Pain, General Chiropractic, Testimonials | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Wonderful Testimonial

Posted by Dr. Gray on Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Gray Testimonial LogoSince our last post regarding testimonials, we have received a very humbling number of compliments and stories. Thank you to all who have submitted your testimonials so far, and we look forward to hearing from those of you who are still working on yours.

Our next testimonial comes from a lovely woman regarding her late husband. I was blessed to have been able to work with Hank for several years before his passing. I always felt as though I learned as much from him as he did from me. Listen to these kind words submitted by his widow:

Dear Dr. Gray,

I don’t know what I would have done without your help! You have a special love and compassion for people that are hurting and in pain. My dear husband, Hank, suffered dearly with rheumatoid arthritis and had to retire from GM at age 49. He fell a lot and couldn’t do much walking. After years of pain, increasing debility, and every pain killer medication they could throw at him, we started going to Gray Chiropractic and he would get so much relief from his pain that he couldn’t wait for his next appointment. Your treatments were really helping relieve so much pain and suffering. I just can’t thank you enough. You are a great doctor, and I love and appreciate you so very much.

Name withheld for privacy

Now, if that doesn’t melt your heart, I don’t know what will. Thank you so much for these kind words! I just feel so thankful to have been able to help in whatever way I could.

If you, or someone else you know, suffer with Rheumatoid Arthritis, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, etc., I urge you to make chiropractic care an integral part of your treatment regimen. By their very nature, these conditions are neuromusculoskeletal (NMS) complaints… and there are no better NMS specialists than chiropractors. In addition to traditional chiropractic care, these cases should include recommendations on exercise, diet, physical therapy and concurrent pharmaceutical intervention when necessary.

Don’t fall for the turf battles between professions. On one side, you’ve got chiropractors telling you that medical doctors are killing people with medications. On the other side, you’ve got medical doctors telling you that chiropractors are unsafe. Both sides are being disingenuous, and are just trying to get a bigger piece of the healthcare dollar. Make sure you choose doctors who are open to working with other professions. It is most often a combination of treatment methods that achieves optimum results.

Post a comment, shoot us an email, give us a call, or just stop in if we can assist you or answer any questions. Our staff of physicians and therapists are here to help and we look forward to earning another testimonial like the kind words above.

Dr. Gray

Posted in Other Pain Conditions, Testimonials | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Can Chiropractors Help Stuff That Aren’t In the Back?… or, What Is “Chiropractic?”

Posted by Dr. Gray on Monday, September 16, 2013

Got a great call this morning that got me to thinking… Backstory: A friend of mine, whose wife has been a patient for a couple years, called and told me, “Ya know… my knee has been killing me for a long time and I never really thought that you might be able to do something about it.” Following this call, I have two conclusions.

First, I am grateful that he finally asked. The mere fact that he called meant that he had either been told by someone else that he should ask me, or he finally had a epiphany that he should ask if I could help.

Second, I am concerned that after 118 years, the general public still thinks that chiropractors are just back doctors. Seriously, this gentleman has been a good friend of mine for more than five years. And yet, facing a long-standing and significant condition that was extra-spinal, he hadn’t thought to ask me about it until now.

So, let’s get down to it. “Chiropractic” in it’s derivative form means “done by the hand.” It doesn’t mean done on the back, or done on the neck. Historically, Chiropractic has become known as a method of healing that values and encourages the natural healing ability of the body, and the optimization of the body’s ability to do so. Throughout the past century, our profession has proven time and again that we are capable of treating and improving the health of millions of patients with a myriad of conditions. Plantar Fascitis? Check. Achilles’ Tendinitis? Check. Chondromalacia Patella? Check. Sprained Meniscus? Check. Osgood-Schlatter’s? Check. Hip bursitis? Check. Herniated disk? Check. Menstrual Cramps? Check. Constipation? Check. Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Check. Kidney Stones? Check. Gall Bladder congestion? Check. Difficulty breathing? Check. High Blood Pressure? Check. High Cholesterol? Check. Overweight? Check. Thyroid Dysfunction? Check. Common Cold? Check. Rotator Cuff Tear? Check. Tennis Elbow? Check. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Check. Trigger Finger? Check. Torticollis? Check. Cluster Migraine? Check. Tension Headache? Check. …. Shall I go on?

Have all of these conditions been helped and treated by a chiropractic adjustment? Yes and no. If you subscribe to the “straight chiropractor’s” definition of chiropractic, then chiropractors are nothing more than technicians who pop joints. If you subscribe to the “mixer chiropractor’s” definition of chiropractic, then you define the adjustment as the only crucial element to the treatment plan that is assisted by complimenting, external, therapeutic procedures.

However, a realistic definition that complements the true and original derivative “done by the hand,” does not have to explicitly imply that the single most important factor of our care is a physical adjustment. I suggest that a more accurate correlation refers to our ability to take “a hands-on approach.” It is my opinion that, as with all doctors, it is not our actual “hands” or the service we provide that is our most important asset. Our most important asset, and what makes us worthy of being doctors, is our intellect. It is our ability to examine our patients, have a thorough consultation regarding current symptoms and history, and ultimately arrive at a working diagnosis.

Arriving at a working diagnosis allows us to then use our intellect, education, and experience to suggest an appropriate treatment plan. With our knowledge of how the body works, we know the power and outcomes secondary to the chiropractic adjustment, therefore we often incorporate that in our treatment plan. However, we also recommend proper diet, exercise, diagnostic imaging, blood tests, appropriate supplementation, physiotherapy, and rehabilitative therapy. We apply supportive tape or bracing to damaged joints and muscles. We use kinesiotape to improve circulation and minimize further injury. AND, we refer to our health care counterparts when necessary for concurrent and/or more appropriate care.

There is a significant, country-wide push right now for an expanded role for chiropractors in the health care market. For those who wish to go through the additional training and certification, some wish to have the ability to incorporate more traditional Western treatments, such as pharmaceutical intervention. I, for one, don’t have a problem with that. By our very nature and philosophy, the natural and innate power of the human body to heal itself will still be respected. The chiropractic adjustment will still remain a critical therapeutic measure that we can provide to our patients. However, we must not ignore the benefits that can be achieved through the provision of non-traditional methods of treatment. The world is not flat, and sometimes antibiotics are necessary. The Earth is not the center of the Universe, and sometimes muscle relaxants assist in the healing process.

So, in conclusion, chiropractors are not “back doctors.” We are not “neck doctors.” If an individual chiropractor wants to limit his practice to a specialty practice dealing only with backs, or necks, or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, or headaches, or whatever… more power to ya! However, it is unfortunate that some would seek to pigeon-hole the entire profession to their own desires. It is time to expand our practice models, and provide for our patients regardless of historical traditions. It is time to join the 21st century and encourage the freedom to grow and offer more to our patients. It is time to inform the public that we can treat knees, ankles, ear infections, stomach problems, shoulder injuries, chronic pain conditions, and more. It is time to be the first doctor that comes to mind when ANY health condition presents itself.

– Dr. Gray

Posted in General Chiropractic, General Health, Other Pain Conditions, Political | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Most Powerful Documentary You’ll Ever Watch

Posted by Dr. Gray on Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Many of you may have heard about a recently released documentary called, “Doctored.” I finally got to see this video within the last couple days and I have to say… I was much more impressed than I expected to be. Most often, documentaries are produced with an agenda and/or a message in mind, and this one is no different. However, too often those documentaries fall extremely short in actual data and truth in reporting. I’m happy to announce that this is NOT one of them. Although there is a good deal of anecdotal stories, this documentary had a ton of statistically verifiable evidence in support of the underlying message. Many of you that know me, know that I’m not an “Anti-Med” chiropractor. Yes, I’m natural first, but I recognize that there are times and conditions that warrant concurrent pharmaceutical intervention. That said, this documentary is essential watching to anyone interested in true “health care” as opposed to “sick care.”

I want to thank Dr. Mercola for making this video available for free on his website for a limited time. Watch it now, before it’s taken down. Once it’s taken down… it’s worth the few bucks to order a copy on DVD.  Keep your eyes peeled, because I’m sure it will be available on pay-per-view at some point, too. Here is the link to the free video on Dr. Mercola’s site: Click here to go to Dr. Mercola’s site with the free video.

– Dr. Gray

Posted in General Chiropractic, General Health, Other Pain Conditions, Political, Prescription Medicines | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Sports Injuries… Who Cares?

Posted by Dr. Gray on Wednesday, September 7, 2011

2008 Gold Medal winner Kerri Walsh supports her shoulder with kinesio taping.

2008 Gold Medal winner Kerri Walsh supports her shoulder with kinesio taping.

Who cares??? Sounds a little crass, huh? Well, the answer is: YOU CARE!

Just as auto racing often leads to advancements and new technology in our personal cars, health care treatment for athletes often leads to new procedures for everyday complaints. There are a ton of treatments used commonly today that began as experimental methods designed to find anything that could keep an athlete on the field. One of the most striking and recent developments that comes to mind is “Kinesio Taping.” This new form of therapeutic taping uses a specialized elastic tape that allows the athlete to continue with free motion of the joints and muscles, while decreasing pain, healing time and risk of re-injury. It first gained widespread notoriety when Kerri Walsh took to the volleyball court during the summer Olympic Games in Beijing, 2008. Due to pain and prior injuries, who knows if Kerri could have taken gold that year if she hadn’t been able to support it with this new technology. Today, kinesio taping continues to be used with athletes around the world, but is becoming increasingly common in non-athlete musculoskeletal conditions also. A waitress with planter fascitis… a carpenter with tendonitis… a school teacher with lower back pain… You name it, and chances are there’s an application. (… and, yes, we are trained and use this procedure at Gray Chiropractic!)

A recent unique lower extremity study, the first ever to demonstrate preventive effects of chiropractic care, is the Hoskins and Pollard trial, in which adding chiropractic care to standard medical and physical therapy approaches dramatically decreased the number of leg injuries and missed games among Australian professional football players. This has widespread ramifications in the everyday workday world. If regular, even asymptomatic, chiropractic care reduced the number of injuries and games missed for professional athletes, then the same applies for working people. Regular chiropractic care, as a part of your overall health care plan, can reduce your chances for work-related injuries and reduce time missed from work.

Call our office today and schedule your appointment. As noted above, you don’t have to have “symptoms” or pain to benefit from chiropractic care. In fact, most of the time, the best time to take care of a problem is before it gets started!

Dr. Gray

reference: Hoskins W, Pollard H. The effect of a sports chiropractic manual therapy intervention on the prevention of back pain, hamstring and lower limb injuries in semi-elite Australian Rules footballers: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord.2010;11:64.

Posted in General Chiropractic, General Health, Other Pain Conditions | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

How Many Chiropractors Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb?

Posted by Dr. Gray on Monday, March 28, 2011

So… how many chiropractors does it take to change a lightbulb? Just one… but it’ll take you 40 visits! Although comical, jokes like this come from a general basis of some perceived negative. Does it really take forty visits anytime you need chiropractic treatment? Of course not. However, there is another perception about chiropractic that contributes to the above joke: Once you start going to a chiropractor, you have to go forever.

Is that true? Do you have to go forever if you begin seeing a chiropractor? The answer, again, is of course not. I’ll be the first to admit that I understand the frustration with the concept of multiple visits associated with chiropractic treatment. The fact remains, though, that we can’t fix twenty years of abuse and neglect with one adjustment. The number of treatment visits that will be required for each individual case is dependent on many factors. An individual’s history of injuries, surgeries, sports, genetics, occupation, exercise, weight, diet, hobbies, etc. all play a role in the amount of treatment necessary. The length of time that a particular condition has been developing is also extremely important when trying to design a treatment plan. Every aspect plays a role in determining reasonable expectations for the amount of care necessary to optimize outcomes.

Perhaps more, but at least as, important than the above factors is: What are the patient’s goals? If all the patient wants is to “feel better,” then a couple appointments may be all that is necessary. But, keep in mind that how things feel is not always a good indicator of how things really are. Did you know that the most common first symptom of heart disease is… death? There are tons of people walking around with severe heart disease or cancer who have no symptoms and think they’re fine. In the same sense, your spine and nervous system has an inborn ability to adapt and compensate for dysfunction in an effort to decrease symptoms. Think about it… from the time we learn to walk, our parents teach us how to ignore pain. “Shake it off… be tough… work it out…” From nearly day one, we are taught to ignore our symptoms! The end result is that we ignore the warning signs that would allow us to fix a problem while it is small and easy. Ultimately, by the time the body has lost its ability to compensate any further, the patient enters my office and says, “I’ve only had this pain for three days.” Well, actually, you’ve had this dysfunction for much longer, but your body finally gave up three days ago.

If the patient’s goal is resolution or long-term improved health, then physical pain or symptoms are only a small part of our rationale for care. Obviously, our first goal of treatment will be to minimize and/or get rid of the pain. After that, we dig a little deeper to determine what led to the dysfunction in the first place. While continuing care and retraining the body to work and function differently than it has adapted to, we begin planning out any rehabilitative care or lifestyle changes that may be necessary. This could include regular stretching and/or exercise at home, dietary restrictions, supplements, physical therapy, ergonomic changes at work or home, etc. Beyond that, again, it depends on the patient’s goals. If you wish to keep your teeth and keep them healthy, you regularly brush, floss, use a mouth rinse, and visit the dentist a couple times per year regardless of symptoms. These visits are primarily check-ups so that the dentist can discover potential problems before they become big problems. A little cleaning, a good check-up, some advice on home care, and they can usually send you on your way. However, if you’ve not been taking care of your teeth, whether by the lack of maintenance or by abusing them with sugary foods, then the dentist may have some work to do. If you’re seeing him a couple times per year, then he can catch these problems early and there is much less treatment and cost involved. On the other hand, if you’ve neglected these problems for some time, the damage may be much worse, increasing the amount of treatment and cost involved with your dental care.

In the same fashion, if you wish to remain physically active with a healthy and strong body, you must regularly exercise, eat properly, reduce stress, get plenty of rest, and visit the chiropractor once in a while regardless of symptoms. The same examples from our dental analogy above apply here. If you’ve taken care of yourself, there is often very little for the chiropractor to do, but this gives an opportunity to catch problems before they escalate. If you’ve abused or neglected yourself, there is a good chance that your problems will involve more treatment and costs associated with your care. Either way, dental or chiropractic, you’re going to need us sooner or later. You can either take care of yourself and see the dentist regularly… or you can wait for your teeth to fall out. In the same sense, you can either take care of yourself and see the chiropractor regularly… or you can wait until you need surgery. – Dr. Gray

Posted in General Back Pain, General Chiropractic, General Health, Headaches, Herniated/"Slipped" Discs, Low Back Pain, Neck Pain | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 3 Comments »

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Posted by Dr. Gray on Tuesday, January 5, 2010

There are very few people that if given a choice would decide to have painful surgery or take lots of medication to reduce pain from an injury or disease. For a long time that was the only option open to most of us. With the invention and acceptance of chiropractic medicine, all of that changed. One of the greatest benefits of chiropractic care is its holistic approach to treating the whole body. Most people tend to think of chiropractic medicine as only neck and back adjustments, when it is actually a whole lot more. Chiropractors are trained in many of the sciences and they can do offer help in the areas of neurology, orthopedics, and pediatrics and geriatric care. That means they are ready and able to help patients of any age and fitness level. Here is a quick look at some of the other benefits of chiropractic care.

  1. Reduces muscle spasms
  2. Increased flexibility
  3. More effective training for athletics
  4. Reduces the appearance of adhesions
  5. Controls soreness and pain due to injury or disease
  6. Increased circulation
  7. Injury prevention

That’s just a short list of the benefits that can be achieved through chiropractic care. These highly trained professionals have helped countless people enjoy a renewed state of physical health. Their special training also includes nutrition, physical therapy techniques, and stretching exercises. Your chiropractor may or may not be a massage therapist himself or herself, but many chiropractors include this service in their practices because of the proven benefits of therapeutic massage. It helps to stimulate oxygen and nutrient delivery to the muscles and promote relaxation for safe healing.

Another treatment method chiropractors sometimes choose to include in their practices is acupuncture. As previously noted, chiropractic care is intended to treat the whole body. When one system of the body is struggling with injury or illness, the whole body is affected. Unlike most doctors that only treat one illness or symptom, chiropractic care strives to heal the injury or illness, as well as the adverse side effects to the rest of the body.

If you have never explored the benefits of chiropractic care for yourself, the time has never been better. This industry is booming as more and more people make the decision to treat their health gently and effectively. While chiropractic care can’t cure every disease or injury, it’s certainly worth looking into before undergoing painful surgery with its long term health effects. You will be amazed at how much better you feel and your increased range of motion, and renewed energy. These benefits of chiropractic care are why patients regularly refer their friends and family to us for treatment.

Posted in General Chiropractic, General Health | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Exciting Announcement!!!

Posted by Dr. Gray on Friday, September 4, 2009

We are happy to announce that Gray Chiropractic has been selected as the Official Team Chiropractor for the Missouri Mavericks hockey team!

As an expansion team for the minor league Central Hockey League (CHL), the Mavericks will open their inaugural season at the Independence Events Center on November 13, 2009. Coach Scott Hillman has said, “We are so happy to have you on board! I am confident that you will play a big role in the health and care of our players. As a hockey player myself, I have seen just how valuable chiropractic can be for these guys. It helps them recover from injuries faster, and keeps them performing at their highest levels.”

As hockey fans, we can’t wait for the season to begin! If you’ve never been to see a hockey game live, you’re missing out. Come on out and see a few games this season. You won’t regret it. Go MAVS!

Posted in General Chiropractic, General Health, Stretches & Exercises | Tagged: , , , , , | Leave a Comment »